Personal, social and health education
PHSE Positive role models, women
A PHSE lesson on the positive role models of women.
Addressing why women need positive role models and what makes a good role model. Included are tasks for pupils to complete, questions for pupils to reflect on and resources for the main activity.
The main activity involves pupils going around the room finding information out about different role models, who they are and why they are seen as a role model. They must then conclude by choosing who they think should be the top role model for women and justify their reasons why.
PHSE Alcohol x 2 Lessons
Included are 2 x lessons on the affects of Alcohol.
Both lessons use media clips, All links are included.
For lesson one there is an information sheet as well as tasks on the PP for pupils to complete. The lesson starts with a True and False card sort activity.
The second lesson looks at a documentary that investigates the use of Alcohol by people in the UK. There is a worksheet for pupils to complete as they watch this documentary, differentiated tasks are included on the PP.
British Values
Included are 3 lessons on British values, what it means to be British and Living in a British society. Also included: Peer assessment sheet, Key words wordsort (for printing and cutting - pupils can complete a sort activity), Key words (for quick refection), A blank pie chart and a 'British' person template for pupils to cut out and stick into their books for completing the activity on self reflection and 'what makes us British?'.
Video links are also included to help pupils reflect on British values and 'being British'